Practice touch-typing on the Enchiridion, a compilation of Stoic ethical advice from discourses of Greek philosopher Epictetus.

Instructions and Hints:

  • Just start typing, or,
  • Press LEFT/RIGHT to navigate between chapters.
  • Press the Escape key to pause the timer.
  • To enable the keyboard-hint, click the hint-bar at the bottom of the app.
  • Performance statistics on each chapter are tracked. Only fastest personal records are kept.
  • Entering full screen and adjusting zoom-levels essentially adjusts the font-size.

Alternatively, open the app directly here.

Installing the app

Epictypus is programmed to be installable through Chromium-based web browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Ungoogled Chromium, Microsoft Edge) as a standalone offline application.

Simply open the app directly here on a Chromium-based web browser, and then look for the install option:

  • near the address bar if on a desktop browser, or
  • within the add to home screen option if on mobile device (for those desiring to have it as a standalone mobile reader app).

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